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security in IoT or internet of things


IoT devices have unique characteristics as far as subscription and deployment is concerned.

Few important and useful information about IoT devices:

IoT devices are typically required to be small, low cost, inexpensive

IoT devices should able to operate unattended by humans for extended periods of time

IoT devices should be able to communicate over the wireless WAN or WLAN

IoT devices are typically deployed without having to require much direct human intervention

After deployment the IoT devices tend to require remote management of their functionality

IoT devices also require flexibility in terms of subscription management.

All these functionalities may lead to threats in IOT Device.

Physical Attacks:

These may include :-

insertion of valid authentication tokens into a manipulated device

inserting and/or booting with fraudulent or modified software (“re-flashing”)

environmental/side-channel attacks

These attacks may happen both before and after in-field deployment. To protect from these attacks the need arises for trusted “validation‟ of the integrity of the IoT device’s software and data, including authentication tokens

Compromise of Credentials: 

These attacks are comprising of brute force attacks on tokens and (weak) authentication algorithms. It may also include physical intrusion, or side-channel attacks, as well as malicious cloning of authentication tokens residing on the Machine Communication Identity Module (MCIM)

Configuration Attacks:

These are like fraudulent software update/configuration changes, mis-configuration by the owner, subscriber or user, mis-configuration or compromise of the access control lists.

Protocol Attacks on theDevice

Attacks on the Core Networks

User data and Identity Privacy Attacks


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